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  • Huge Scandal Hits Sports Illustrated Over AI-Generated Content 💣

Huge Scandal Hits Sports Illustrated Over AI-Generated Content 💣

AI's Impact on Jobs and Wages - The Latest Research

Welcome to another edition of Horizon AI,

An iconic sports magazine has been accused of publishing articles written by fake, AI-generated writers, a situation that raises questions about AI content farms and ethics in online publishing.

Make sure to check the bottom of this issue to enter this month’s giveaway.

Let's jump right into it!

Read Time: 2.5 min

Here's what's new today in the Horizon AI

  • Huge Scandal Hits Sports Illustrated Over AI-Generated Content 💣

  • AI's Impact on Jobs and Wages - The Latest Research

  • AI tutorial: Create a GPT that uses the learnings from an entire book

  • AI Image of The Day🎨: Formula One driver Charles Leclerc in Disney Style

  • The Latest in AI and Tech 💡

AI News


Huge Scandal Hits Sports Illustrated Over AI-Generated Content 💣

Source: Futurism

A major controversy has unfolded surrounding the potential publication of AI-generated content at Sports Illustrated. According to Futurism, Sports Illustrated released articles under false author names, sparking concerns about the use of artificial intelligence for rapid content production.


  • Sports Illustrated published articles attributed to authors such as "Drew Ortiz" and "Sora Tanaka". The headshots associated with these fake authors were found on an AI-generated image website

  • The Arena Group, the parent company of Sports Illustrated, has denied that the articles themselves were AI-written. Instead, they assert that the content was licensed from an external third-party company, AdVon Commerce.

  • An internal investigation by the Arena Group revealed that AdVon Commerce had writers use pen names or pseudonyms in certain articles to safeguard author privacy, purportedly leading to this notable misunderstanding.

While the details are still emerging, Sports Illustrated has ended its partnership with AdVon Commerce and the fake authors have since been removed.


AI's Impact on Jobs and Wages - The Latest Research

AI is rapidly transforming the labor market, but what exactly are its impacts so far? A new paper from the European Central Bank gives us some insights on this. The research examines AI's effects on jobs and wages across 16 European countries to date.


  • So far, AI has been creating more jobs than it eliminates, especially for high-skilled workers.

  • The adoption of AI seems to be leading to modest wage reductions in general rather than unemployment.

  • Low and medium-skill occupations have been largely unaffected up to now when it comes to employment.

However, the report issues a warning not to fully absolve AI just yet when it comes to jobs, wages, growth, and inequality. The authors caution that much of the impact of AI and automation has yet to emerge. However, the research provides an early glimpse of how the technology is shaping the labor market in Europe in the near term as adoption accelerates.

AI Tutorial

Create a GPT that uses the learnings from an entire book

Note: Only ChatGPT Plus members have access to GPT Builder for now.

Thanks to the new enhanced capabilities of ChatGPT, you can now upload an entire book and train up the GPT on the learnings.

  1. Go to the Explore tab, and click on "Create a GPT".

  2. Upload the book and the prompt

For this example, the book used is ‘$100M Offers: How to Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No’ by Alex Hormozi.

  1. Finally, give it a name and an avatar

That's all it takes – just a couple of minutes. Now, you can leverage the knowledge from this bestselling book to craft effective ad copy or compelling, hard-to-reject offers without the need to read its 200+ pages.

AI Image of The Day

Formula One driver Charles Leclerc in Disney Style

Send your AI-generated images for a chance to get published here: [email protected]

Source: @charlesleclerc_fanpage on Tiktok

The latest in AI and Tech

Viral "Make it More" meme challenges what ChatGPT and DALL-E can create

A viral ChatGPT exchange asking the AI to make an image "happier" until it became an abstract embodiment of happiness has sparked an explosion of similar “make it more” memes. People are now pushing ChatGPT and image generators to make progressively more extreme versions of concepts like “spicier” and “smugger.” As brands look to capitalize on AI meme trends, both the humor and limitations of machine creativity are on full display.

Anthropic drops pricing as open source upends the AI market

Source: Anthropic

With pressure from competitors like DeepMind and the spread of open-source models, AI startup Anthropic recently slashed pricing to retain its enterprise customer base. By offering Claude at a more competitive price compared to rivals such as OpenAI, Anthropic seeks to strengthen its standing in a growing market with increasing expectations of value

Amazon leverages ai AI to deliver packages faster than ever this holiday season

Source: Amazon

This Cyber Monday, an AI system called Sequoia is helping Amazon achieve unprecedented delivery speeds to manage over 71 million expected orders. Sequoia identifies and stores inventory 75% faster and cuts order processing time by 25% so Amazon can dispatch some same-day packages in just 11 minutes. Additionally, machine learning algorithms provide better demand forecasting across 400 million products worldwide and enable optimized, flexible delivery routes adapted to real-time external conditions.

That’s a wrap!

Thanks for sticking with us to the end! Let’s stay connected on LinkedIn and Twitter.

👉 This month we are giving away 3 e-book copies and 2 print copies (print copy for US region only) of Data Engineering with AWS book by Gareth Eagar. To enter the giveaway:

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See you in our next edition!

Gina 👩🏻‍💻